Author: Anacostia Miller Title: The Monarchs Series: The Guardians of Farlight Isles, Book 2 Genre: Romantasy Release Date: January 23, 2025 Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing Cover Designer: BookSmith Design Preorder today! Amazon: All Links: Following the events of The Last Leviathan , Maeve and Ronin are off to unite the pirate monarchs across Farlight Isles before Varric takes the war to them. They barely escaped Farlight Prison, but there is no time to recover. Ronin battles both physical ailments and the trauma of being trapped in Nathaniel Pike’s care. Meanwhile, Maeve hunts for the truth after learning that everything Varric told her was a lie. Neither of them are coping well, but the fate of Farlight Isles depends on them. Their relationship will weather this storm, right? Each new destination unlocks more of Maeve’s memories as they explore the ...