Presented by: Title: Eating Sarah Author: Jaret Martens Audience: YA Genre: Thriller Formats: E-book Publisher: Immortal Ink Publishing Cover by: Rebecca Hamilton Editor: Rebecca Hamilton and Louise Caiola Expected Date of Publishing: Mid-2014 Ever since Sarah was young, all she could dream about was participating in The Hunt — a monthly event in which her people sneak into the nearby cities and villages to gather food. And in Sarah’s world, the food they feast on most is human flesh. In the deep forests of the Rocky Mountains, Sarah lives in a community of man-eaters. With Fall ending and hunger running rampant, Sarah and her cannibalistic community are forced to change the rules of their Hunt. And with these changes come new risks. When her first Hunt ends in catastrophe, and one of her only friends is lost, Sarah is sentenced to work in the slaughter shack. Among the dead and dying, Sarah is introduced to Troy: a man she knows she...