Title: Dodge Author: ML Nystrom Series: Dragon Runners, bk 6 Genre: MC Romance Release Date: December 26, 2023 Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing Cover Designer: Booksmith Design Now live! Amazon: https://readerlinks.com/l/3617170 All Links: books2read.com/dragonrunnersmc6 T he Dragon Runners MC are back with Dodge , the gripping sixth book about two souls from different worlds who are about to collide in a blaze of passion and determination. The world is stacked against Fauna Somers. Constantly at odds with her family, she struggles to make a career as a Black woman to become a top chef in a male-dominated field. A chance one-night stand leads her to buy an old diner to forge a new path. Dodge is torn between his father’s expectations and an ex-wife who regularly drifts in and out of his life. His passion is custom artwork for motorcycles and cars; his regret is losing the woman he met at a hotel bar for a single night. A...