Title: Dead Sound Author: Anise Eden Genre: Suspense Thriller Release Date: October 12, 2021 Publisher: Tangled Tree Publishing Cover Designer: BookSmith Design NOW LIVE! Amazon US: https://amzn.to/3odXJ3Y All Links: https://books2read.com/deadsound The tender scars on her abdomen throb as memories of the attack come rushing back, flooding her mind and sending her heart racing... Psychotherapist Neve Keane knew that returning to work at the hospital after being stabbed by a patient would be difficult. But entering her unit only to be surrounded by a crowd of people claiming they need her help to stop the apocalypse—that’s more than she bargained for. When the crowd’s leader turns out to be a mutual patient of Neve and her best friend, streetwise Irish doctor Cornelius O’Brien, they are both pulled into a Byzantine plot that transforms Capitol Hill General into a dangerous place where threats and betrayals lurk around every corner. Then t...