Title: Kevlar Author: Skye McNeil Genre: MC Romance Series: Macha MC, #2 Release Date: March 13, 2021 Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing Cover Designer: BookSmith Design Available now! Amazon US: https://amzn.to/30jyWAR All other links: Books2read.com/kevlar Second chances only come once for an FBI agent and her bad boy biker in Skye McNeil's motorcycle romance "Kevlar" (Macha MC #2). Hunting down criminal motorcycle clubs is Nikita Stockdale’s job as an FBI agent. Her shadowy past is the reason she can’t let any MC slip through her fingers… until a case takes her unexpectedly to the man she thought long gone. Kevlar Dorous is coasting. In his life and in the club. Recently home from deployment, he decompresses into his new normal. By chance, he sees the woman who kept him grounded in a rival MC bar, and Kevlar can’t help but want to save her. When Nikita joins forces with Macha MC to take down a human trafficking ring, sh...