Title: Wine Thief Author: Mary Billiter Genre: Contemporary Romance Release Date: May 29, 2018 Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing Cover Designer: Soxsational Cover Art On sale for half price! Amazon US: https://amzn.to/2KMCt1v All other links: books2read.com/winethief What happens when a corporate spy clashes with a woman he can’t help but fall for? In Mary Billiter’s witty novel of deception and heat, a red-hot suit and a beautiful academic are linked by a vineyard and the mystery surrounding its origins. Chloe Dorsey places her belongings in storage, puts Southern California in her rearview mirror, and heads to her sister’s home in Northern California for a fresh start. As one of the newly hired wine educators at the Napa Valley Point Resort and Winery, Chloe’s knowledge of wine is as limited as her income. Anthony “Tony” Mahoney has one objective—to locate the Mother Vine, the source...